Our simple safety device to keep people with dementia or autism safe at home
Our locking cooker valve can help people with dementia or autism retain their independence at home and provides reassurance to friends, family and carers.
We fit the simple safety device, for free, to your existing gas cooker pipework. When the valve is locked, the gas supply to the cooker is stopped. This eliminates the risk of the cooker being unintentionally turned on or left on, and gives peace of mind to carers or relatives that the cooker can’t be used when they leave the house or the room. The carer or relative can easily turn the valve on using the key when the cooker is required, enabling the household to continue to use their gas cooker safely.

A locking cooker valve
Since our pilot project began in 2015, our engineers have fitted locking cooker valves in homes across Scotland and the south of England. We work with community safeguarding groups including social services, occupational therapists and emergency services to identify customers who could benefit from the safety device.
We’ve now partnered with the other UK gas distribution networks - Cadent, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities - to offer this free service nationwide. We provide this free service regardless of your gas supplier. You don’t need to change energy supplier or inform your supplier that the device has been fitted.
How to apply
If you think you or someone you know would benefit from having a locking cooker valve installed its quick and easy to apply.
If you live in the south of England or in Scotland you can complete an application by clicking on the link below.
Don’t worry if you're not in an area we cover as we’ve partnered with the other UK gas distribution networks to offer this free service nationwide.
If you're not sure who manages the network of pipes that delivers your gas you can find out on the ENA website.