Digital PSR campaign

Crunch Media

Raising awareness of the PSR among 970,000 vulnerable households nationwide

Our project at a glance 

  • Participating GDNs: SGN and Wales & West Utilities 
  • Strategic priority area: Supporting priority customer groups to access tailored support services 
  • Support target: 32,203 households over the seven-month campaign 
  • Duration: November 2023 to May 2025 
  • Investment: £98,507  
  • Forecast SROI: £17.33

Why we’re working together 

Awareness of the Priority Services Register (PSR) among some eligible groups is low, particularly those who are unwell, older people and young families.  

We’ve joined together with Wales & West Utilities to build on a successful social media campaign first developed by Wales & West Utilities and delivered by Crunch Media.  

Our expanded joint-GDN campaign sets out to reach these target groups with a seamless customer journey to raise awareness of the PSR and encourage eligible households to register.  

Project objectives 

  • Increase awareness of the PSR among 970,000 vulnerable households via digital channels 
  • Encourage 32,200 eligible households nationwide to register for the PSR 

How we’re working together 

Digital PSR awareness campaign 

Our digital awareness campaign will raise awareness of the benefits of the PSR among eligible households, with a particular focus on three groups: parents with young children, older people of pensionable age and people who are critically ill.  

We’re targeting these groups across various digital platforms including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to ensure we effectively reach our target groups on the platforms they use.  

How to get involved 

Joining the Priority Services Register 

The PSR helps us identify customers who need priority support in a gas emergency. If you think you would benefit from extra support if you were ever without your gas supply, please visit our Priority Services Register information page to find out more and register.