Our open data sharing portal has been launched in line with the UK energy sector’s drive towards net zero through the open sharing of energy data. We'll be publishing links to open data for your use, and details on how to contact us directly to request SGN energy data.
We are working towards delivering a comprehensive suite of open datasets, and welcome your feedback on the data you would like to see included.
Open Data Licence
The data is made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Creative Commons BY license the latest version of which is available at CC BY 4.0 Legal Code | Attribution 4.0 International | Creative Commons.
Data catalogue
Our data catalogue provides a list of datasets that we have prepared to be accessed by data users from our Open Data Portal and used under our open data licence.
We are committed to sharing data to meet data user needs. If you have a request for data that isn't listed in the catalogue, please get in touch using the data sharing request process found at the bottom of this page.
Total volumes of Biomethane gas injected at three SGN Local Distribution Zone
Frequency: Weekly
Shrinkage volume
Total Leakage and Shrinkage energy volumes at SGN Local Distribution Zone geographical area level
Frequency: Annual
Customer demand
Annual customer demand data in Kwh at Post Outcode level
Frequency: Annual
Customer numbers
The number of customers connected to our network by demand type
Frequency: Annual
Scope 1 & 2 emissions
This data set contains direct emissions from vehicles owned and operated by us, gas consumption from owned and shared sites and gas shrinkage from our network. It also contains indirect emissions from purchased electricity.
Frequency: Annual
Scope 3 emissions
This dataset contains indirect emissions from transport/vehicles related to our operations but not owned by SGN, purchased goods and services, capital goods and waste generated by our operations.
Frequency: Annual
Summary of waste by waste type
Total weight of waste generated in operations split by source. This shows our waste from spoil, our offices and depots, and other operations.
Frequency: Annual
Download metadata
Summary of waste by treatment type
Total weight of waste generated in operations split by waste treatment type.
Frequency: Annual
Download metadata
Data usage - pipeline locations
Please note that this data should not be used in order to establish whether the Data User is able to excavate in the vicinity of pipelines.
In order to establish this, please visit Dig safely for further information. SGN use an on-line mapping system, accessible via the Dig safely web pages or linesearchbeforeudig.co.uk, this process should be used to obtain up to date maps and safety information before you excavate.
However if you need more information please contact our Safety Admin team on 0800 912 1722 or by email: plantlocation@sgn.co.uk.
Open data sharing requests
If you wish to raise a data sharing request, please complete and submit an online request form.
In line with industry standards and regulatory requirements, we will always perform an open data triage assessment on data sharing requests received, to ensure that we fully assess the risks of sharing data such as privacy, confidentiality and security.
Open data sharing requests survey
Please tell us about your experience of using SGN's open data sharing portal by completing this short survey.
Looking for another energy network to raise a request to?
The Energy Networks Association will be able to pass on your data sharing request to the relevant network (gas or electric) using their Energy Data Request Tool.
Xoserve data sharing requests
If your request is for the following data:
- Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN)
- Gas Supply Status
You will need to contact Xoserve, the central data hub for gas networks, via enquiries@recmanager.co.uk.
Open data sharing queries
If you any queries, complaints or feedback relating to our open data sharing process, please email us at DataSharingRequest@sgn.co.uk.