Warm Homes, Healthy Futures

National Energy Action (NEA)

Connecting healthcare professionals with energy advice to support fuel poor households nationwide

Our project at a glance

  • GDN partners: Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, SGN and Wales & West Utilities 
  • Strategic priority area: Fuel poverty and energy affordability 
  • Support target: 30,400 households over two years
  • Duration: March 2024 – March 2026
  • Investment: £12,198,660 over two years
  • Forecast SROI: £2.66

Why we’re working together

Fuel poverty is caused by a complex interaction between low incomes, poor energy efficiency and energy prices. It has a hugely negative impact on the health of those on low incomes, families with young children, older people, people who are disabled and people with long-term medical conditions.

We want to ease the harmful impact of fuel poverty on the nation’s health, which is why we’ve teamed up with Britain’s three other gas networks and charities National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland   on an ambitious new programme.

Warm Homes, Healthy Futures (WHHF) is an evidence-based, multi-year nationwide project that connects health professionals and local public health bodies to energy advice and other specialist support services. We’re addressing the root causes of fuel poverty and targeting those most vulnerable.

We’ve set out to support 30,400 people across the country to live in safe and warm homes, ultimately improving the health of these households.

Our collaborative programme will be coordinated nationally, and delivered locally in communities, where there is high need and limited existing support. By integrating our efforts into healthcare services both nationally and locally, we’ll leave an enduring legacy.

Project objectives

  • Supporting households with health conditions related to cold homes with energy advice and income maximisation support 
  • Training frontline workers on energy safeguarding and referral routes
  • Raising awareness of carbon monoxide safety and providing free CO alarms when required
  • Helping eligible households to sign up for the Priority Services Register
  • Proactive servicing of existing essential gas appliances where eligible 

How we’re working together

One-to-one energy advice  

Working directly with health professionals and local public health bodies, NEA and Energy Action Scotland energy advice teams will support people with health conditions related to living in a cold home. We’ll target our support where it’s needed most – deprived and overlooked communities across England, Wales and Scotland. 

Our support will cover how to maintain a safe and warm home, including practical interventions such as CO alarms and energy efficiency measures, as well as income maximisation through benefit checks.

Frontline worker training

We’ll provide free training to frontline healthcare workers to equip them with a better understanding of the challenges related to living in a cold home and the referral routes available to support households in fuel poverty. 

How to get involved

Becoming a Warm Homes, Healthy Futures partner

You can find out more about how your organisation can get involved in the Warm Homes, Healthy Futures programme by contacting NEA Project Development Manager Danielle Butler at danielle.butler@nea.org.uk.