Third party connections

This page is specifically for Independent Gas Transporters (iGTs) and Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIPs). 

Our dedicated Third Party Connections team manage the activities of iGTs and UIPs making connections to our network, supplying advice and guidance to ensure compliance with network policy and procedures.

Any suitably qualified iGT holding a valid Gas Transportation License or accredited UIP wishing to carry out work on our network is entitled to do so subject to signing our final connections agreement and holding a valid registration under the LRQA Gas Industry Registration Scheme (GIRS).

You can email the Third Party Connections team at:


Forms, Briefing Notes, Policies, Terms & Conditions

SGN have a suite of Briefing Notes to support the various processes that Third Party Connections facilitate. All forms, Briefing Notes and relevant Connections related material can be found in the TPC Documents ZIP File.

Final Connections Agreement (FCA)

SGN requires all third party Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIPs) and Independent Gas Transporters (iGTs) to follow set processes, enter into appropriate Final Connections Agreement contracts and follow requirements outlined in relevant Briefing Notes.

To obtain a Final Connections Agreement with SGN, please complete an FM178 FCA Proforma from the TPC Documents ZIP File and submit to:

Utility Infrastructure Providers (UIP)

All Utility Infrastructure Providers must be accredited under the Gas Industry Registration Scheme (GIRS) provider by LRQA.

Further guidance on GIRS can be found in SGN Third Party Connections Briefing Note 2. 

UIPs can submit requests for the installation of new gas mains and services onto SGN’s <7bar Gas Distribution Network to be adopted by SGN upon completion.

Further details on the criteria for submissions for UIP-installed asset which is to be adopted by SGN or an Independent Gas Transporter (IGT) must meet the requirements listed in SGN Third Party Connections Briefing Note 3.

Independent Gas Transporters (iGT)

Independent Gas Transporters (iGTs) or their nominated c/o Utility Infrastructure Provider (UIP) can submit requests for the connection of independent gas networks onto SGN’s <7bar Gas Distribution Network which will be owned and operated by a third party iGT, under their respective Gas Transportation Licenses which permits ownership, operation and maintenance of live gas asset. Please see below in respect of >7bar Gas assets. 

Further details on the criteria for iGT submissions can be found in SGN Third Party Connections Briefing Note 3.


>7 bar Gas adoptions

SGN/SP/SLO-1 sets out the circumstances under which SGN will adopt >7bar Gas assets, a draft version of which is included in the link below.

The SLO-1 has been published initially in draft form to encourage feedback, but can already be used in discussions on any relevant projects. Please contact if you wish to discuss the SLO-1.

SGN invited questions or feedback on the draft SLO-1 be provided between the draft’s publication date and 19 February 2025.  SGN is currently considering responses received.  

Fast track process

The Fastrack process applies to UIP and iGT requests that meet certain criteria of SGN specification NP/14 and allows third parties to bypass the Request, Quotation and Acceptance process, resulting in a Fastrack Request that is already accepted upon submission.

Further details on the criteria for Fastrack submissions can be found in SGN Third Party Connections Briefing Note 9.

Sufficiently Complex Job (SCJ)

Where applicable, when new requests for demand undergo Network Analysis, SGN Third Party Connections will design a specific reinforcement scheme and produce a formal quotation outlining associated reinforcement costs.

Where proposed reinforcement is deemed ‘Sufficiently Complex’, the formal quotation process will not be followed and to enable a feasible solution and firm costs to be ascertained, a detailed ‘Design Study’ of the proposal will need to be undertaken by SGN Operations, subject to a fee relevant to the complexity of works.  

See Briefing Note 19 for further guidance.

UIP, iGT and land enquiries

If you are a land developer, house builder or just interested in information relating to SGN infrastructure or capacity and pressure information for a specific site, please submit relevant information as per Briefing Note 15 section 5.9.

Where a UIP request cannot utilise the Fastrack process, the submission of an FM137 UIP Enquiry will return a response from SGN outlining an indication of required reinforcement and associated source pressure.

Similarly, where an iGT request load cannot utilise the Fastrack process, the submission of an FM172 iGT Enquiry will return a response from SGN outlining a indication of required reinforcement and associated source pressure.

All enquiries will be responded to within 5 working days.

iGT CSEP Nominations to Xoserve

iGTs required to nominate or amend CSEPs within Xoserve systems must follow agreed processes as per SGN Third Party Connections Briefing Note 33 (Nested CSEPs and Xoserve).

SGN Mapping data

SGN provides mapping data access to GIRS accredited UIPs and Independent Gas Transporters, who hold a Final Connections Agreement with SGN, available upon request via Email to: