
We always aim to provide the best possible service. If there is a problem, Our Customer Service team are here to do all we can to put things right for you. 

Step 1 

Get in touch with us 

You can contact our Customer Service team by choosing one of the options on our contact us page, or by using the live chat facility on our website: click the orange button at the bottom right of your screen to begin.

You can also reach us on social media by searching for SGN on Facebook or @SGNgas on Twitter.

If you prefer, you can write to us at SGN Customer Service, Stroma Suite, Grampian House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3GH. Or, you can speak to our Customer Service team by calling 0800 912 1700.

When you contact us, it would be helpful if you could provide the following information so we can deal with your complaint: 

  • Full contact details (your name, company name (if applicable), address, telephone number and email address)
  • Full site location address and postcode
  • Any relevant reference numbers or names of who you may have spoken with before contacting us

We treat all complaints seriously and confidentially. We will fully investigate your complaint in line with our complaints handling procedure, and we will do this in a polite, prompt, and straightforward manner. 

Your complaint will be reviewed by our Customer Service team or local depot management team. We’ll provide a response within 5 working days or 10 working days where a site visit or third-party enquiry is required.

How we aim to put things right

The different resolutions you can expect are:

  • An apology where we have failed to provide a satisfactory level of service
  • An explanation addressing the issue(s) you have raised
  • Where required, appropriate remedial action
  • Award compensation in the appropriate circumstances under our Guaranteed Standards of Service
  • If appropriate to the circumstances, award a goodwill payment

Step 2

Escalation to our Director of Customer Service 

If our Customer Service team or our local regional management are not able to reach a resolution with you, then you can escalate your complaint to our Director of Customer Service for review.

Our Director of Customer Service will investigate your complaint and the actions taken up to that point. As part of the review, our Director of Customer Service may ask for help from a local senior manager to contact you on their behalf. A written response will be sent to you within 5 working days, or 10 working days where a site visit or third-party enquiry is required.

You can contact our Director of Customer Service by emailing Or you can write to Director of Customer Service, SGN Customer Service, Stroma Suite, Grampian House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3GH.

Step 3 

Independent review by the Energy Ombudsman

We recognise we may not always succeed in resolving your complaint, or we may reach an impasse.

If we cannot agree a satisfactory resolution, your complaint can be ‘deadlocked’. This means you'll be sent a letter explaining we’ve been unable to resolve your complaint and your next step would be to contact the Energy Ombudsman.

If it is less than eight weeks since you raised your complaint to us, you will not be able to ask the Energy Ombudsman to review your complaint.

The Energy Ombudsman is a free and independent dispute resolution service for domestic customers. The Energy Ombudsman will investigate your complaint and would have expected you to have approached us first and followed our complaints handling procedure. The Energy Ombudsman will make a final decision and inform you of the outcome.

You can contact the Energy Ombudsman by calling 0330 440 1624. Or you can write to; Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF. For further information about the Energy Ombudsman, please visit

Additional Help and Support

Extra support for those who need it most

We’re here to keep you safe and warm all day, every day, whether we’re upgrading our network or repairing a gas leak. We offer a range of services to provide extra help for those who need it most, including:

  • Our locking cooker valve, which helps keep people with dementia safe in their own home
  • Advice on how to protect your family from carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Connecting you to our gas network for free or for less through our Help to Heat scheme, if you’re struggling to afford keeping your home warm
  • Registering you on your energy supplier’s Priority Services Register, so you’ll receive priority support in a gas emergency or power cut

If you, or anyone you know, could benefit from any of our free extra help services, visit Extra Help, or call our Careline on 0800 975 1818.

Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline

Citizens Advice provides free, independent, confidential, and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. Its consumer helpline offers advice on issues around your energy supply. 

If you are a domestic customer, you can speak to Citizens Advice at any point regarding your complaint by calling 03454 040 506. For more information and details of other ways to contact Citizens Advice, please visit