St John’s Road to reopen early as gas upgrade project nears completion

16 Mar 2021

We've replaced the last of our old metal gas pipes along St John’s Road in Wroxall last week, nearly two weeks ahead of schedule.

Our engineers have inserted the final sections of new plastic pipe in St John’s Road as part of our programme of work developed with Isle of Wight Council and the Health and Safety Executive to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply to properties in Wroxall and beyond.

We’ll shortly be restoring the road surface following the completion of our engineering work. For everyone’s safety while this work is carried out, St John’s Road will remain closed to motorists and buses just south of Coombe Park and Alpha Cottages.

We hope to reopen St John’s Road at the end of this week at which point Southern Vectus bus routes and bin collections will return to normal.

Our project was originally expected to last approximately 10 weeks. However, we’ve been able to make quicker than expected progress replacing 550m of gas mains and connecting 67 homes.

General Manager Patrick Hyndman said: “We’re pleased to announce we’ve completed the final engineering work ahead of schedule and will shortly be able to safely reopen St John’s Road to motorists and public transport after restoring the road surface.

“We worked closely with the Southern Vectis and the Isle of Wight Council to provide alternative travel and refuse collection arrangements. This was a challenging project to co-ordinate and arrange and required the close collaboration of the local authorities and Wroxall community. I’d like to thank Isle of Wight Councillor Rodney Downer and Parish Council Chairman Adrian Gallop for their advice and support throughout.”

“Most of all, we’d like to also thank residents and road users for their continued patience and understanding while we’ve carried out this essential work to ensure the Wroxall community can enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come.”

Isle of Wight Councillor Rodney Downer said: “The shuttle bus service ensured Wroxall was not cut off and served Upper Ventnor as well. I have very high regard for SGN’s local team who were professional throughout. They engaged with residents and were most helpful and polite.

“It cannot be an easy job, but they finished the works ahead of time and this is excellent.”

Iain Thornton, Island Roads Streetworks Manager, added: “Island Roads was happy to assist SGN with the required planning to ensure the local community was told about, and able to prepare for, the essential works. 

“We’re pleased that the project has been undertaken in such a professional and well-planned manner and the works themselves have been carried out to the required highway standards.

“I would like to thank all involved both for their efforts in careful planning, and also in managing to complete the scheme ahead of schedule.”