Downe, Shire Lane

We're preparing to carry out essential gas network upgrades in the Shire Lane area of Downe.

This work will involve replacing our old metal gas mains with new plastic pipe to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply is delivered to nearby properties.

Our upgrade project will start on Saturday 15 February and is expected to last approximately nine days. During this time, Shire Lane will be closed to motorists for everyone's safety. A signed diversion route will be in place for affected motorists.

We recognise roadworks can be frustrating for the community. However, the new plastic pipe has a lifespan of approximately 80 years. This means that once the work is complete, Downe residents and businesses will be able to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come.


Drop-in session

To learn more about our planned work in Shire Lane this February, please do come and meet our team on Monday 3 February.

We'll be located at Downe Village Hall, 26 High Street, Downe, BR6 7UT between 2pm and 6pm to answer any questions you might have about our upcoming gas network upgrades.