Sittingbourne, Kingsferry Bridge

We're planning to carry out essential network upgrades on and near to Kingsferry Bridge to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas continues to be delivered to Isle of Sheppey homes and businesses.

A Compulsory Purchase Order for the project was confirmed on 24 October 2024. SGN is now reviewing the programme, with work expected to start in Summer 2025 lasting approximately 18 months.

All our work will be carried out following close consultation with key affected stakeholders including private landowners, Swale Borough Council, National Highways, Port of Sheerness Limited, the Environment Agency and Network Rail.

What we'll be doing

Installing a new pipe

Our engineers will be installing a new plastic pipe beneath the River Swale, which will connect to the existing network on both the mainland and the island.

Removing our old pipe

We will then disconnect and remove our old metal gas main contained within the bridge's structure.

Media library image
Establishing shot of Kingsferry Bridge with train travelling over the bridge. Boats and River Swale also pictured in the foreground.

Latest news


Tuesday 11 February

On 11 February 2025 Southern Gas Networks PLC made its General Vesting Declaration . A copy of the Notice of Making of a General Vesting Declaration and General Vesting Declaration can be found in the Appendix section at the bottom of the page.

Working to keep you safe and warm

The existing main spanning Kingsferry Bridge provides the only gas supply to the Isle of Sheppey. It serves approximately 15,000 customers including schools, care homes, a hospital, prisons, extensive port facilities and multiple businesses.

The old pipe was installed in the late 1950s and is reaching the end of its useful life. To help reduce the risk of leaks and ensure a resilient gas supply to island properties, our engineers will be replacing this with a new, separate plastic pipe.

This replacement pipe will be installed beneath the River Swale and will connect to the existing network either side of the river. Once installed, Sheppey residents will be able to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply for decades to come.

Our proposed work at Kingsferry Bridge is scheduled to last approximately 18 months.

It will be split into four phases involving environmental mitigation activities, site setup and construction work.

A Compulsory Purchase Order for the project was confirmed on 24 October 2024. SGN is now reviewing the following programme, with work expected to start in Summer 2025 lasting approximately 18 months.

  • Phase one - approximately four months:
    We'll be undertaking environmental mitigation activities and installing protections ahead of our work to install the new pipe under the River Swale.
  • Phase two - approximately two months:
    We'll be installing contractor site and storage compounds, office and welfare facilities. This will be located along Ridham Dock Road on the mainland side of the River Swale.
  • Phase three - approximately four months:
    Our engineers will install the new plastic pipe and connect it to the existing network either side of the river.
  • Phase four - approximately four months:
    We'll then work to decommission and remove the redundant old pipe from within Kingsferry Bridge.
A map of the surrounding area of Kingsferry Bridge highlighting the locations of the existing and new gas mains as part of our project

What work are you carrying out at Kingsferry Bridge?

We're working to install a new plastic gas pipe under the River Swale. This will ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply to homes and businesses on the Isle of Sheppey for decades to come.

Once our new pipe is operational, we will decommission and remove the old metal gas main located within Kingsferry Bridge.

How long will the work last?

Our project at Kingsferry Bridge is scheduled to last 18 months. This includes time to prepare the site, the construction work for the new pipe and the required decommissioning of the redundant pipe.

Why are you carrying out this work now?

We've been planning this work for some time in close consultation with the local authority, Natural England and other key stakeholders.

While we understand there's no ideal time to carry out potentially disruptive works, we've repaired several leaks on this section of our network in recent months and it's nearing the end of its useful life. We must upgrade this section to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas is distributed to Sheppey properties.

Can trains and vehicles access the island over Kingsferry Bridge while the work takes place?

Train services over Kingsferry Bridge should not be impacted by our project. However, please do check with Network Rail or our Latest news section of this page for any updates.

We don't expect to need to permanently shut any public roads to motorists while we carry out our work. For everyone's safety, our work will involve temporary traffic measures at times, but this will not affect travel to or from the island. Details of any road closures or temporary traffic lights around our site will be published in our Latest news section.

What is a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)?

A CPO is a legal process allowing certain public and private bodies to acquire land, or interests in land, from affected owners or occupiers, without the consent of those affected parties, to deliver projects where there is a compelling case in public interest.

We made the Southern Gas Networks PLC (Kingsferry Gas Pipeline Replacement Project) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 (CPO) on 12 October 2023. The CPO was confirmed on 24 October 2024.

The CPO documents relating to this project can be found below.

Will your work cause a significant impact on the local environment?

We recognise this area is of diverse ecological importance and is covered by several national and international designations.

We've been working closely with the local authority, the Environment Agency and Natural England as part of our plans for this project at Kingsferry Bridge. Through a screening process undertaken as part of the project proposal, the organisations are content with the measures we will take to minimise our environmental impact.

How deep will the new pipe be installed under the River Swale?

The new plastic pipe will be inserted at a depth of 17m below the riverbed.

Contact us

If you would like more information on the Compulsory Purchase Order or our work at Kingsferry Bridge, please email our team or call 0800 912 1700.

Email us

Compulsory Purchase Order

CD1 Sealed copy of the Southern Gas Networks PLC (Kingsferry Gas Pipeline Replacement Project)  Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 made 12 October 2023 including Schedule of Interests

CD2 Order map

CD3 Statement of Reasons

CD4 General Certificate

CD5 Protected Assets Certificate

CD6 Notice to Qualifying Persons

CD7 Newspaper notice

Statement of Case

CD7A Statement of Case


CD8 The Compulsory Purchase (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2007

CD9 Schedule 3, Gas Act 1986

CD10 Section 6, Land Compensation Act 1961

CD11 Schedule 3, Acquisition of Land Act 1981

CD12 Section 6, Human Rights Act 1998

CD13 Article 1 First Protocol ECHR

CD14 Section 10, Equalities Act 2010

CD15 The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017

CD16 The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

CD17 Public Gas Transporter Pipeline Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1999

CD18 Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996


CD19 Energy White Paper, December 2020

CD20 British Energy Security Strategy (April 2022)

CD21 Powering up Britain - The Energy Security Plan (March 2023)

CD22 Powering up Britain - The Net Zero Growth Plan (March 2023)

CD23 Overarching National Policy Statement for energy (EN-1)

CD24 National Policy Statement for Gas Supply Infrastructure and Gas and Oil Pipelines (EN-4)

CD25 National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023)

CD26 Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan 2017


CD27 The CPO Guidance

CD28 Guide 1 - Compulsory Purchase Procedure

CD29 Guide 2 - Compensation to Business Owners and Occupiers

CD30 Guide 3 - Compensation to Agricultural Owners and Occupiers

CD31 Guide 4 - Compensation to Residential Owners and Occupiers


CD32 Screening opinion of Secretary of State (dated 9 May 2023)

CD30A SGN Gas Transporter Licence

CD31A Ofgem Final Determination dated 8 December 2020

CD32A Map showing footpaths ZR90, ZR88, ZS19 and ZS12

CD33 Map showing extend of public highways on Ridham Dock Road

CD34 Engineering Justification Paper (July 2019)

CD35 SGN Gas Network Innovation Strategy 2018

CD36 Summary of Route Options Report (January 2021) and Appendices (financial information redacted)

CD37 Objection 1: Southern Water in respect of Plot Nos. 1-4, 6, 7, 9-14, 16, 17, 20-27, 32, 34, 36-44, 47, 48, 53, 54, 57, 59, 62, 64-67, 69-80 and 83;

CD38 Objection 2: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited in respect of Plots Nos. 31-35, 37-44, 48, 49, 54, 55, 62, 64, 69 and 70;

CD39 Objection 3: Outback UK Propco I A Ltd in respect of Plot Nos. 34-36 and 46;

CD40 Objection 4: Knauf (UK) GmbH in respect of Plot Nos. 36 and 46;

CD41 Objection 5: Countrystyle Recycling Ltd in respect of Plot Nos. 36 and 46;

CD42 Objection 6: Grovehurst Energy Limited (subsidiary of D.S. Smith Group) in respect of Plot Nos. 36 and 46;

CD43 Objection 7: Manweb Nomineeco Limited in respect of Plot Nos. 36 and 46; and

CD44 Objection 8: Ridham Sea Terminals Limited in respect of Plot Nos. 36 and 46

CD45 Allison Pritchard - Statement of Evidence

CD46 David Backhouse - Statement of Evidence

CD47 Rasika Amarasinghe - Statement of Evidence

CD48 Simon Thurlow - Statement of Evidence

CD49 Withdrawal of Objection 2: Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

CD50 Withdrawal of Objection 3: Outback UK Propco I A Ltd

CD51 Withdrawal of Objection 1: Southern Water Services Limited

CD52 Withdrawal of Objection 7: Manweb Nomineeco Limited

CD53 First Public Inquiry Notice

CD54 Second Public Inquiry Notice

CD55 DESNZ email notification of public inquiry

CD56 Withdrawal of Objection 4 Knauf (UK) GmbH

CD57 Schedule of Engagement

CD58 Opening Statement of Isabella Tafur

CD59 Note to Inquiry in relation to Ridham Dock Road

CD60 Note to Inquiry with summary of roles and accreditations of witnesses

CD61 Withdrawal of Objection 6: Grovehurst Energy Limited (subsidiary of D.S. Smith Group)

CD62 Project Certified Confirmed Compulsory Purchase Order

CD63 Project Certified Confirmed Order Map

CD64 Statutory Notice - Sittingbourne News

CD65 Statutory Notice - Sheerness Times Guardian

CD66 Executed General Vesting Declaration

CD67 Executed Notice of Making of a General Vesting Declaration