Wandsworth, Heathfield Road

We're preparing to carry out essential network upgrades along Heathfield Road from Monday 22 July.

This work will ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas continues to be delivered to nearby homes and businesses.

What we'll be doing

Installing a new pipe

Our engineers will be removing our old metal mains and installing new plastic pipe, which is more reliable and has a lifespan of approximately 80 years.

When we're working

Our gas network upgrades will start on Monday 22 July. This project is expected to last approximately ten weeks.


Road closures

To ensure everyone's safety while we upgrade our pipes, we need to close some roads and install temporary traffic lights around our site.

Our engineers will be working in Heathfield Road, either side of its junction with B234 Earlsfield Road.

We'll need to close Heathfield Road both north and south of B234 Earlsfield Road. Signed diversions will be in place via Westover Road, St Ann's Hill and B234 (north) and Magdalen Road, Trinity Road and B234 (south) for affected motorists. 

Temporary traffic lights will also be installed along B234 Earlsfield Road to manage traffic flow.

Access will be maintained for residents and businesses located within our closure areas.

Please ensure visitors or deliveries are advised of the closure in place.

Some bus stops or routes may be affected by this work. Please check with your provider for any updates to services during our work.

Some parking bays may also be suspended around our closure and lights.

We recognise this work will be disruptive for the Wandsworth community. However, this work is essential to ensuring a safe and reliable supply of gas is delivered to the area.