We're preparing to carry out essential gas network upgrades along Upper Grosvenor Road.
This work will ensure properties across Tunbridge Wells continue to receive a safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come. It's part of a 30-year programme to replace our old metal mains, reaching the end of their useful lives, with new plastic pipe.
The work we need to carry out is significant. Our engineers will be replacing approximately 3.5km of two large diameter gas mains, plus renewing any metal services pipes serving individual adjoining properties.
Due to the scale of this project, and following close consultation with Kent County Council, we'll be carrying out work in two phases. The first of which will start on Monday 5 May, and last approximately five months. We will then clear our site and return in 2026 to complete our second phase of work.
Phase one
From Monday 5 May, we'll be working in Upper Grosvenor Road, from its junction with North Farm Road to Grosvenor Bridge.
To ensure everyone's safety while we replace our pipes, we need to close Upper Grosvenor Road to motorists. The closure area will move as we progress along the road.
Signed diversions will be in place for affected road users.
What does this closure mean for me?
- Vehicle access for residents will be maintained. Our engineers and local signage will inform affected residents as our closure area moves.
- Bus routes will be impacted by this closure. Please check with your service provider for updates to routes, timetables or stop locations.
- Bin collection days will not be changed unless you hear differently from your service provider. We're working closely with the local authority to ensure collections can be made with as little disruption as possible.
A map outlining our work area and diversion routes will be published below shortly.

Details of our second phase scheduled for 2026 will be published on this page once they're confirmed.
We recognise roadworks can be frustrating, and we're sorry for any inconvenience this essential work may cause. However, the new plastic pipe has a lifespan of 80 years, which means when the work is complete, nearby residents and businesses will be able to enjoy the benefits of a safe and reliable gas supply long into the future.