H100 NIA: Hydrogen Logistics diagram
Project Name: Hydrogen Logistics
Project Lead: SGN
Partners: Kiwa Gastech Ltd
Our H100 Fife project includes the Hydrogen Logistics element, which kicked off the H100 NIA with a mini feasibility study to demonstrate, at high level, that producing, storing and distributing hydrogen to a small community of 300 properties is technically and commercially feasible using existing technologies.
During this element, multiple combinations of available hydrogen production and storage options needed to be considered with large amounts of technical and commercial data gathered in each area. This data collated will then be incorporated into an estimation tool that allows the mixing and matching of components to identify the best technical and cost-effective combination. Elements to be selected for each site are as follows:
Production: Wind, solar, single train Steam Methane Reformation (SMR) and dual train SMR.
Transportation: Delivery to site via road tanker.
Storage: Above-ground storage tanks and below ground pipe selection.