Dementia community hub gets fresh new look from gas distribution network volunteers

21 Aug 2024
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The seven SGN volunteers in the new garden at Sage House Dementia Support near Chichester

A team of our volunteers have been giving a dementia support community hub in Tangmere a fresh new look as part of a new partnership.

Seven members of our southern network’s Vulnerability team spent the day at Sage House Dementia Support on the outskirts of Chichester painting one of their tired activity rooms, laying fresh bark in the hub’s recently refreshed garden area and building new wooden benches. Once the hard graft had been completed, the team spent time playing bingo with some of the hub’s clients living with dementia.

The volunteering day follows our new partnership with Dementia Support, with who we’re partnering to provide energy safeguarding services at the purpose-built Sage House community hub. We’re funding a new ‘Wayfinder’ staff member and enabling them to go out into the community in a new bus which will help the team to reach people who wouldn’t be able to ordinarily access the hub.

Our Community Action Programme gives our people one day a year away from their usual duties to volunteer with local organisations and charities. Hundreds of our colleagues are volunteering throughout the summer across our Scottish and southern networks, some as part of newly created partnerships like the one with Sage House Dementia Support.

James Lovell, Head of Fundraising, Marketing and Communications at Sage House Dementia Support, said: “We want to say a huge thank you to SGN for volunteering at Sage House to renovate our Smart Zone. Their efforts have helped turn the room into a vibrant activities space, enabling us to provide even more stimulating activities for people living with dementia. Our partnership with SGN is bringing energy advice and support to hundreds of families affected by dementia.”

Janet Duggan, Community Partnership Manager at SGN, said: “Our day started with a tour of the hub with Programme Manager Simon, who shared his experiences of working with people living with dementia. It was great to spend time with people at the various stages on the dementia journey and brought back many memories I had with my mum. The whole day really brought home the impact the partnership is having and the team were proud to hear about the way it’s helping people.”

Find out more about our partnership with Sage House Dementia Support here.