Our impactful partnership with Age Scotland has received the ‘Best Partner Relationship: Corporate Fundraising’ award at this year’s Scottish Chartered Institute of Fundraising awards ceremony.
The partnership, which aims to help older people stay safe and warm at home, has helped 42,961 households across Scotland access benefits that they did not know they were entitled to or how to claim, resulting in £1.2 million of financial gain to older people so far.
Following its success in Scotland, the pioneering partnership has since been rolled out by Age UK and Age Cymru and has become a blueprint for how utilities companies can support older communities as part of a holistic approach to energy safeguarding and improving wellbeing.
Age Scotland’s Head of Fundraising and Marketing, Stacey Kitzinger, said: “We are so proud of this partnership which ensures thousands of older people across Scotland stay safe and warm at home.
“Through providing a trusted and safe referral process, SGN engineers enable us to reach seldom-heard older people who most need our services and increase awareness of the services and support offered by our charity.
“We’re incredibly grateful to SGN for their support and look forward to continuing our work to reach many more older people in need of support.”

Through providing a trusted and safe referral process, SGN engineers enable us to reach seldom-heard older people who most need our services and increase awareness of the services and support offered by our charity.
Stacey Kitzinger
Age Scotland’s Head of Fundraising and Marketing
Linda Spence, SGN Customer Vulnerability Manager, said: “This partnership is making a real difference to older people’s lives across Scotland, helping provide awareness around energy safeguarding and support around welfare and accessing key benefits during a time where older people are worried about how to cope during the cost of living crisis.
“We’re delighted that our partnership has been recognised at the Institute of Fundraising awards and, alongside Age Scotland, we look forward to supporting many more of our vulnerable customers in the years to come.”